⼈と⼈、 ⼈とモノ、 ⼈と社会の「美しい関係」を⼤切にし、⾃然の摂理と共振する普遍的な「美しいかたち」に結実します。
Our design aims to create new values that can bring richness in life.
At the core of our design is the value of beauty. We propose beautiful thinking to show how things should be.
We appreciate
beautiful relationships between people, between people and things, and between people and society.
Beautiful thinking and relationships evolve into beautiful forms in conformity with the order of nature.
Making use of
technologies as the base of designing, our design contributes to the success of your business.
領域と役割 Our role and target domain
By understanding the essence of our clients’ purposes and taking into account the role of design,
we offer proposals that exceed the clients’ expectations.
デザインプロセスと5つの強み Our design process and five strong points
- 理解⼒:コミュニケーションを⼤切にし、⽬的とゴールを共有します。
- 発想⼒:GKの発想法による仮説形成と検証を繰り返すことで、質の⾼いアイディアを提案します。
- 実現⼒:⽣産技術などの知識と経験を活かし、製品化に繋げます。
- 伴⾛⼒:⽣産開始まで、きめ細かくフォローアップします。
- 総合⼒:必要に応じてGKデザイングループ各社と連携し、総合デザインサービスを提供します。
( e.g. 調査分析→GK DRI、プロトタイピング→GK TECH、CMFG→GK Graphics)
- Ability to understand:
Maintain good communication with our clients to share purposes and goals - Ability to produce ideas:
Reiterate the cycle of hypothesis and test to propose high-quality ideas based on our original method - Ability to accomplish goals:
Our knowledge and experiences about production technologies make for commercialization of new products - Ability to support :
Provide thorough follow-ups until the start of production process - Ability to utilize GK’s organizational synergy:
Provide comprehensive design services in collaboration with GK Group companies
e.g.) GKDRI (research) + GK Tech (prototyping) + GK Graphics (CMFG: Color, Material, Finish and Graphic)
デザイン経営の⽀援 Support for design-driven management
It’s often difficult to quantify qualitative factors such as ethics, beauty and experiential values.
We provide support for businesses to make judgments on these intangible values.
チーム Team
早稲⽥⼤学理⼯学部機械⼯学科卒業後渡⽶、Art Center College of Designを経て、株式会社GK⼊社。産業機器、公共交通、コンシューマプロダクトの領域で「美しい考え、美しいかたち、美しい関係を創造するデザイン」を理念として活動。グッドデザイン⼤賞、iF賞、red dot賞、IDEA賞等、受賞多数。
After graduating from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, he left for the US and after graduating from the Art Center College of Design, he entered GK Inc. With the principle “Design for creating beauty in thinking, forms and relationships”, he is active in the areas of industrial equipment, products for the public transit, and consumer products. He has received many awards including the GOOD DESIGN GRAND AWARD, iF Award, Red Dot Award, and IDEA Award.
グッドデザイン賞 審査委員 2007–2014、 2016–2018、2020–2021、2023-2024
iF Taiwan COMPUTEX d&i awards 審査委員 2012
SG Mark 審査委員 2018
DIA 審査委員 2021
Good Design Award judge 2007–2014、 2016–2018、2020–2021、2023-2024
iF Taiwan COMPUTEX d&i awards judge 2012
SG Mark judge 2018
DIA Final Evaluation judge 2021
1993年、筑波大学大学院 芸術研究科 修士課程修了。同年株式会社GK入社。
In 1993, Morita completed the master’s program at the School of Art and Design of the University of Tsukuba and joined GK Inc. After working in the department of research and planning there, he has been involved in many design projects mostly on product design. Focused on creating ideas and solutions going beyond individual design fields, his activities cover a wide range of areas such as consumer goods, business equipment, product design, graphic design and user interface (UI).
グッドデザイン賞、国際デザインコンペティション 大賞、ジャパンパッケージングコンペティション
Good Design Award, International Design Competition (Grand Prize), Japan Packaging Competition, etc.
Kinoshita joined GK Industrial Design Associates in 1982. In 1994, he was temporarily transferred to Qingdao HaiGao Design and Mfg. Co., Ltd., a joint venture established by GK Industrial Design Inc. and Haier in China, and assigned as Vice President there. He later served as President of GK Design Shanghai Inc., and Vice President of GKID Inc. He has been in the current post since 2024.
グッドデザイン賞 審査委員 2001–2002
Good Design Award judge 2001–2002
メンバー Member